Sunday, December 26, 2010


Peace Out

Peace out bus Blog! Hello IDK BLOG! a new blog is soon to come, about what, who knows, who cares, because ITS GONNA BE FUNNY! Maybe it will be about my LAME JOB maybe it will be about the "COOL" guys i date......MAYBE JUST MAYBE it will be about you!

With Love

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

With Audio.......

Well well well, I am back with more Busventures, So if you ride the bus you the requirement you must have smoke, none the less a smoker who doesn't have their own cigarettes. I was sitting at one of the most Glorious bus stops in town and I sat next to a woman who is none the less in tattered clothing and a map quest map. I broke my number one bus rule “don’t talk to someone unless they talk to you”, well I asked her if she knew what time the bus came, of course she did not. But this opened the door to the opportunity for her to ask for something, that thing was.... a cigaret. So being the kind soul I am, KNOWING HOW MUCH IS SUCKS TO NO HAVE CIGARETS, I GAVE HER ONE. But my favorite part of those who ask for cigarettes their justification to why they don’t have their own, here are some of those;
“I just got robbed”<---- this was hers)
“I just lost my job”
“I just ran out”
“I just broke up with my boyfriend/girlfriend”
“I am homeless with no work and I live on the streets”

Okay OKAY OKAY I get it, it sucks to be you. Here is a damn cigaret enjoy it.

Well this particular woman, then proceeded to ask me FOR ANOTHER ONE, okay bitch I get it one cool fine I can be nice, but you have the audacity to ask for another, this time I got a different story though; keep in mind I have been sitting next to her THE WHOLE TIME AT THE GLORIOUS BUS STOP.

My nerves are shot, I have been on disability, just got off and now I am going to get cloths to start work”

OMG whatever. What was I supposed to do, tell her I was out, she saw them in my bag, I should have though seeing how she didn't remember that she already told me ONE sob story. Then of course she needed my lighter and she might as well asked for my first born child at that point. Fucking Goodness gracious.

Positive note to getting on the bus today it was FREE! Lol I was able to keep my $1.25.

With love

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sat on

Some big black dazed and confused lady sat on me today! and then she moved and sat on someone else! If I don't get a car soon I'm gonna go postal on someone FOR REAL! 

Then there were adult children in the back of the bus talking about, K2 and how "braw, i go so fucked up of that stuff." Let me enlighten you about K2 (Synthetic cannabis is an herbal and chemical product which mimics the effects of cannabis)

Because I want to smoke saw dust! 

All I have to say is 
"get a fucking life"

k thanks bye

With love 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Word of Advice!

Do NOT and I repeat do not DATE ANY GUYS WHO RIDES THE BUS!  I used to have a code about this and I let my guard down and what happen I WAS DISAPPOINTED! I knew from the beginning but no DIDN'T FOLLOW MY OWN DAMN ADVICE! but he had great hair, and great eyes and was funny! But hello bitch he rides the bus! no car! so I say again! DON'T DATE THOSE WHO RIDE THE BUS!

with love

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

These are the people I ride the Bus with....

To ride the bus your must have these qualities:

And then theres Me:

Always With Love

Friday, October 1, 2010

A good Day on the Bus

Yesterday I went to my cousin's talent show performance, and as usual i took the bus. Well it was an HOUR AND A HALF bus ride, was kind of dreading it. The first 25 mins I standing with 9million children/teens whatever they are called now a days. So when the bus started to get empty i moved to the back of the bus and started to read my SAPPY Nicholas Sparks book lol. A woman sat next to me and across from me was her daughter, and I saw them speaking in Sign. So I took my head phones out and put my book down and waited till their conversation was done, I then got the daughter's attention and asked her in ASL (American Sign Language) if she was Deaf, then her mother tapped me on the shoulder and explained no that she was Deaf. I then proceeded to have a 15 min conversation with them in ASL. I was so PROUD of myself and so was the woman and her daughter. It was amazing! Glade I could share a positive story with you all. Could be thinking about changing my major?...... not sure yet

With Love,

Monday, September 27, 2010

hahahah really?

so I am a GENIUS. I left my phone on the bus I can't believe it the bus may end up making me crazy. Wait that makes perfect sense, that is why I started this blog in the first place the crazies of the bus, they are CRAZY because of the bus. Make perfect sense to me. when I turn 60 I'm sure ill still be on the bus and effin insane I'll see people I went to elementary school with, like these two old guys the other day. They were like "man we go way back, elementary school," "yeah back when I was rolling joints." Um excuse me you were smoking weed in elementary school. No wonder you RIDE THE CITY BUS and live on the streets. I honestly couldn't believe how loud they said it to, one of the old men was like "shhh" and the one who originally said it just laughed and screamed it again. I guess if your gonna be proud it has to be of something. lol

With Love

Monday, September 13, 2010

The day of Awkwardness

So the BUS ride to school was normal besides the 45min wait heading west, that really is never any fun especially in the 100 degree heat and you sweat balls and you then get to school sit down and you realize its time to get stronger deodorant.

When I was sitting waiting for the BUS to go home, a guy who I kind of assumed  to have autism from my experience, sat down on the bench next to me and introduced himself and being the kind person I am I did the same, my momma taught me well. He then asked me if I attended the school I was sitting at and I explained to him yes I did, I asked the question in return and came to find out that he just comes to campus to hang out. We had some more basic small talk but he then kept creeping close, then asked, "do you like to be touched?", i said "NO!" head shake and all, he then apologized and didn't want me to be mad at him, I explained I was not mad just that I didn't like to be touched. He the asked where do you live I said "FAR FROM HERE."  he asked if we could be friends I told him yes that was fine, he then asked for my number, I in return told him I did not just give my number out to someone I just met. He asked me why people were so anti-social and that he had no friends, because people didn't like him, so I couldn't get up and just move I felt sorry for the guy.
****(Going back to all my psychology classes and childhood development classes I knew that this is a full grown man with male functions but probably with the cognitive development of a 10 year old. I did make it a point to make sure a person was around at all times because I have heard horror stories, about the anger of a child with the physical strength of a full grown man.)**** 

It did continue, he touched my arm and said, "you don't like that?" and I said, "no I do not" and then he told me he was scientist and that he like to test things, I then explained the personal bubble to him and how all people have it and you have to ask if you can cross their personal bubble and if they say no then respect that, he proceeded to ask if he could cross my bubble I explained no he could not. he then said I was very pretty which I thanked him for the compliment. But please understand the whole time this was happening my internal radar was on RED and I knew if the BUS didn't come soon I would have had to excuse my self and leave the situation, but moments later the bus came and I stood up so fast and thank him for the conversation and wished him a good rest of the day,  I looked behind me to make sure I hadn't left anything behind and there on the bench where my butt was sitting was a sweat mark from my ass cheeks, I'm sure from the heat, but I believe mostly from my sympathetic nervous system being heightened.

With Love

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome to The People of the BUS

Where to start how about why I am on a BUS and why i am writing about the the people on the BUS, well this is because I HAVE NO CAR, but why don't I have a car I wont bore you with my stupidity I will just say I am a poor starving (not really starving but that what everyone says) college student who cannot afford a car so I take THE BUS. Haha now what brings me to this blog and why I am sharing it with you, this is because of the very "entertaining" people that happen to be on the bus with me while I travel to school, lets just say maybe 10% of the people I ride with are students, business people, NORMAL, to say the least, the rest of the 90% are not, to put it nicely.

     I will start with my recent ride with the scum of Tucson, I take a BUS from school where normal people get on but then while I am traveling to work, which is located in the not so pleasant part of Tucson, the normal people get off and the NOT SO "NORMAL" people get on. By the time I get to work the BUS is wall to wall people, my mother asks me why I don't read and do homework on my HOUR BUS ride, this is because of the PEOPLE MOM. So every new stop I am either getting up for a pregnant woman, a blind guy, an old lady with her 10 bags of groceries. I find a seat when someone gets off and the process starts at the next stop again so I DON'T SIT ANYMORE. The BUS is filled with "cool" teenagers" who find it appropriate to basically fornicate on the bus, and those teens are not the ones moving for the elderly, disabled, or lady with 15 kids under the ages of 6, I AM. I recently had to face a very DRUNK, delusional, old, African American drunk man who felt the necessity need to serenade all the patrons on the BUS, I believe 2 out of 20 people found it entertaining, this was prolly because they were drunk as well. I could not stop glaring at this lost man, who actually prolly had no idea he was even on a BUS, maybe in his mind he was still at karaoke in the bar he just left. When the BUS came to his stop he tuns around in the isle at the front and yells at everyone "THIS IS MY STOP SEE YOU ALL LATER PEOPLE."

This may get even more entertain and I hope it does, this really is noting but a place for me to tell my stories and make people laugh i hope you enjoy my future post!

with love